Home Remedies for Acne And Boils
Boils are different from pimples, Acne and boils on the buttocks can be a very painful and annoying thing, as it is the area of the body which is subjected to a continuous pressure due to sitting. It is aesthetically not good as well.
Acne on the buttocks occur when dirt and moisture in our clothing gets trapped inside the skin of the buttocks. The continuous abrasion of the buttocks due to sitting also forces the infection to enter the skin. This results in boils and acne on the buttocks. The sweat and bacteria trapped inside your underwear can also result in an outbreak of acne on the buttocks. Therefore, we must always change your underwear frequently and also wash that area regularly. Treating acne of the buttocks may take time, as the continuous pressure and friction on the buttocks can prevent it from healing. The oils and other remedies applied may also get wiped on the clothing, which therefore prevents the treatment from entering the skin.
Some most efficient home remedies for boils on your butt.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is nature’s soothing agent. If you don’t present any complications that might require a trip to the doctor’s, your boil will simply heal by itself and all you need to do, aside from waiting for that to happen, is to make yourself as comfortable as possible. Aloe Vera will help you do that. Buy natural Aloe Vera gel and apply it on your boil, after you’ve disinfected the area. The gel will help the skin cool down and make it less inflamed.
Sometimes, all you need to do is simply keeping the skin clean and disinfected. This will help your skin and immune system fight the infection. Make sure you use antiseptic on your boil every night after your bath and before you go to sleep. Also, clean it in the morning and a couple more times during the day.
Neem Oil
Neem oil is an Indian oil that is a very powerful antiseptic and antifungal. Use it 4-5 times a day on clean skin and you will notice a real improvement. Neem oil can be found in almost all health stores across the country.
Tea Tree oil works in the same exact way neem oil does. Tea Tree oil has the benefit of being much more available, so if you cannot find neem oil, you’re going to have the same results using tea tree oil.
Compresses work wonders on boils and pimples. Soak a piece of clean cloth in warm water (as warm as your body can handle) and put it on your boil. When it starts cooling down, you can warm it in the microwave, for just a few seconds, or heat it up using warm water. The warmth of the compress will bring a boil to the head and it also helps reduce inflammation by increasing circulation.
Garlic is one amazing antibacterial and antimicrobial product. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it the perfect home remedy for butt boils. Make a paste from five fresh garlic cloves and apply directly onto the boil. Aside from the pungent smell, you won’t feel any discomfort.
TurmericTurmeric isn’t just good in your food, it’s also good on your bum! It also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that can aid in the treatment of boils and pimples. Make a thick paste from turmeric powder and a bit of water and apply it on and around your boil. It should help it heal better and faster.
Coconut Oil
Is there anything coconut oil isn’t good for? We think not! When you’ve got boils, the skin around them can turn scaly and cracked. This will just add to the discomfort, so you need to hydrate it very well to stop it from doing that. Coconut oil is a natural alternative to store-bought cream and it also have disinfectant properties.
Ice Cubes
An ice cube will help soothe the area around the boil and it will also help decrease the inflammation. Add a couple of ice cubes inside a clean plastic bag and put it on your boil. Make sure the bag is really clean, you don’t want to make matters worse.