You May be a Psychopath If you drink a black coffee?
Coffee is bitter and black, which is not good for our health than drinking it Machiavellianism, sadism and dark personality traits, including narcissism, is detected.
In austrian university writer and psychologist discovered the bitter taste associated with personality traits.Sweet, salty, sour and bitter food to 500 women and men, and asked them to create a list which did not find them to be good.
These four different ones in which they were asked to taste the bitter taste quite work like people.
second half of the experiment, participants were asked to rate how strongly they agreed or challenge with statements that assessed personality traits of psychopathy, narcissism and Machiavellianism – which is characterised by a cynical neglect for morality and a focus on self-interest and personal gain.
The participants were also asked to answer questions relating to the “big five” personality traits – extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and emotionality stability.
Everyday sadism was assessed by the inclusive Assessment of Sadistic Tendencies.
The participants also had the choice to choose “I don’t have an option” to each of the food items. second experiment assessed their preferences for food tastes, except the list was decrease to 20 items – sweet and bitter.
Experimental research on both the personality traits of the bitter taste, there is no difference.
The researchers said, General bitter taste liking emerged as a robust predictor for Machiavellianism, psychopathy, narcissism, and everyday sadism.
For people with sadistic traits, the regular use of bitter foods was comparable to a rollercoaster ride, where they enjoyed things that induced fear, according to Sagioglou.